Up to 91% of people who use a total abstinence approach in short-term detoxification will start using again. After a period of abstinence, using opioids again can put people at a greater risk of harm. People who use opioids regularly become tolerant to them. This means they need an increasingly higher dose of the drug to achieve the desired effect. However, a person’s tolerance quickly diminishes while abstinent. This puts people at a high risk for overdose if they return to use and take a similar dose as before.

Wellness varies for each person experiencing drug dependence. Each person defines their own goal. Abstinence may be the right choice for some, but may not be a realistic or desirable goal for others. In some cases, involuntary abstinence can lead to unintentional overdose and death.

Abstinence or a reduction in substance use is not required to receive equitable and compassionate health care services in Alberta.

i. Harm Reduction Services, Alberta Health Services
ii. Psychoactive Substance Use Policy, Alberta Health Services