To advocate for, support, and provide meaningful representation for physicians of the North Zone, ensuring they have the resources, assistance, and autonomy needed to deliver outstanding care to all patients.
To build a professional and respectful community where physicians are valued leaders with integrity, working in collaborative, efficient environments that empower them to enhance patient outcomes and
advance medical care.
Summer Wellness Challenge!
We’ve wrapped up the NZMSA Summer Wellness Challenge and want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated! Check out the challenge website to discover the winners and view some of our fantastic photo submissions!
The NZMSA is the voice of physicians in the North Zone.
All physicians practising within the zone are eligible to become members (with or without an AHS appointments). Members include:
physician practitioners;
medical staff of hospitals, continuing care facilities, PCN and Non-PCN based community clinics;
community-based specialists;
dentists and oral surgeons;
clinical scientists; and
ZMSAs are equitably funded and supported (financial, in-kind, and central administrative support) by the AMA and AHS but remain independent of either organization. ZMSAs are truly grass roots organizations that exist to represent all physicians. Each ZMSA has an executive committee – who are either elected or appointed – committed to ensuring local physician issues are acknowledged.
ZMSAs and the AHS Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules
Zone Medical Staff Associations have been and continue to be your representation for input and the physician voice for the ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES MEDICAL STAFF Bylaws and Rules.
The Bylaws and Rules govern the relationship between us and AHS. It is written in the Bylaws that “AHS and the Medical Staff jointly contribute to an effective medical organization structure through the development, implementation and amendment of Bylaws and Rules governing the creation, organization and operation of the Medical Staff”.
Below we outline the significance of these Bylaws and Rules and how we have a shared voice, responsibility, and accountability with AHS with these sections:
Zone Medical Staff Associations (ZMSAs) Are Your Voice
What the Bylaws and Rules Govern
Your Inclusion in Governance
Your Input for Changes to the Bylaws and Rules
The complete AHS Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules can be found here
ZMSAs Are Your Voice
We are your representation for the Bylaws and Rules as per section 2.12 of the Bylaws. The purpose of the ZMSAs is “to facilitate the engagement and participation of the Zone Medical Staff in Practitioner-related matters, and the fulfilment of the responsibilities and duties of Practitioners pursuant to these Bylaws and the Rules”. There are five ZMSAs in Alberta, one for each zone.
What the Bylaws and Rules Govern
They establish and describe:
the terms and conditions on which AHS may grant practitioners appointments and clinical privileges;
establishing principles and process for the Triggered Initial Assessment, Triggered Review, and resolution of a concern, as well as the remediation of associated factors (if any) contributing to a concern;
the responsibility of the medical staff to AHS for the quality and safety of all professional services provided by practitioners to patients and to AHS;
the responsibilities of the medical staff and AHS to each other for the organization and conduct of the medical staff, and in particular the processes relating to medical staff appointments and delineation of clinical privileges;
the administrative structures (medical administrative leadership), committees and positions for the governance of practitioners working in AHS Facilities or other AHS Sites of clinical activity;
determining the accountability of practitioners for discharging the responsibilities related to medical staff appointments and clinical privileges; and
establishing principles and process for the periodic review of practitioners.
Your Inclusion in Governance
Through the ZMSAs, the physician voice is represented and heard on a variety of committees:
The Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules Review Committee (Review Committee)
Each ZMSA appoints members to the Review Committee. The Review Committee has an equal number of Associate Chief Medical Officers as ZMSA members, plus the Senior Vice President, Medicine of Covenant Health (non-voting). The purpose is to review the Bylaws and Rules at least once in each three year period from the date of the most recent adoption or more frequently as required, and to discharge all other duties assigned to it by these Bylaws and the Medical Staff Rules.
Hearing Committees
The ZMSA Presidents for the zone and Zone Medical Directors jointly select designates for a provincial pool of Hearing Committee members. The purpose is to consider a concern received from the Triggered Initial Assessment of a complainant or AHS when a concern is not amenable to consensual resolution. They receive information, hear evidence, and prepare a report and make recommendations.
Immediate Action Review Committee (IARC)
From the provincial pool of Hearing Committee designates, a Zone Medical Director and ZMSA President jointly select a standing three person, provincial IARC. The purpose of the IARC is to receive and consider all relevant information and evidence that led to the Immediate Action including any written submission from the affected practitioner, and prepare a report and recommendation. An Immediate Action is immediate suspension or restriction of a Medical Staff Appointment and/or Clinical Privileges without first conducting a Triggered Initial Assessment or Triggered Review.
Provincial Practitioner Executive Committee (PPEC)
The five ZMSAs each send a member to sit on PPEC. The purpose is to advise AHS and the Chief Medical Officer on provincial/system-wide matters pertinent to quality and safe patient care as well as issues including but not limited to:
quality and safe patient care;
interdisciplinary patient care and teamwork;
AHS service planning and delivery;
Practitioner workforce planning;
Practitioner satisfaction; and
all other responsibilities and duties assigned to it by the Bylaws and Rules.
PPEC also oversees:
overall functioning ZMAC;
overall functioning of the Bylaws and Rules;
AHS Provincial Clinical Department, Public Health; and
AHS Provincial Clinical Department, Laboratory Medicine.
The composition, duties and responsibilities of the Provincial Practitioner Executive Committee are determined in the Medical Staff Rules Section 2.9.
Search Committees
ZMSAs provide a member to participate on Search Committees. The purpose is to make recommendations to the AHS medical administrative leader responsible for the appointment of:
provincial level positions of Associate Chief Medical Officers, Senior Medical Directors and Zone Medical Directors shall be established by the Chief Medical Officer or designate; and
zone level positions of Associate Zone Medical Director, Zone Clinical Department Head, Deputy Zone Clinical Department Head, Zone Clinical Section Chief, Facility Medical Director and Community Medical Director shall be established by the Zone Medical Director or designate.
Zone Medical Administrative Committees
ZMSA executive and members sit on the committee. The purpose is to advise the Zone Medical Director and the Provincial Practitioner Executive Committee on matters pertinent to quality and safe patient care at a at a zone level, review concerns, Triggered Initial Assessment, and Hearing Committee report/recommendations if requested by an affected practitioner and/or AHS, and to discharge all other duties assigned to it by the Bylaws and Rules.
ZMSA representatives based on the number of Zone Clinical Departments. The composition, duties and responsibilities of the Zone Medical Administrative Committee are determined in the Medical Staff Rules Section 2.14.
Zone Application Review Committee
ZMSAs provide two members. The purpose of the ZARC is to review all initial Applications to the Medical Staff and prepare a written recommendation (to accept, deny, or amend the application) after initial review by a Zone Clinical Department(s); and to review all Requests to Change a Medical Staff Appointment and Clinical Privileges and prepare a written recommendation (to accept, deny, or amend the Request for Change) after initial review by a Zone Clinical Department(s).
The composition, duties and responsibilities of the Zone Application Review Committee are described in the Medical Staff Rules Section 2.15.
Your Input for Changes to the Bylaws and Rules
Physicians provide input for amendments to the Bylaws and Rules through the ZMSAs.
The process is for Review Committee to come together for the review with these steps:
Proposing amendments: Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by the Medical Staff, AHS or the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules Review Committee. Amendments proposed by the Medical Staff are given to the Review Committee by the ZMSAs.
Committee agreement: The Review Committee must then unanimously agree to amendments.
Vote: ZMSAs and the Medical Affairs Office coordinate a vote by Medical Staff. Two-thirds of the vote is required for majority.
Approval: The Health Minister receives the amendments for approval.
Provincial rules: New provincial Rules or amendments to existing provincial rules may be proposed by any member of the Review Committee or any member of the PPEC.
Zone rules: New Zone Rules or amendments to existing Zone Rules may be proposed by any member of the Zone Medical Administrative Committee (ZMAC).
Review Committee: The Review Committee forwards new rules or amendments to the PPEC for review and recommendation for approval, amendment (if applicable) or rejection.
Vote: two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote at any duly constituted meeting of the Review Committee (for provincial Rules), a ZMAC (for Zone Rules) or the PPEC.
Approval: The Executive Vice President & Chief Medical Officer receives the amendments for approval.
ZMSAs and the Alberta Medical Association
Although ZMSAs are independent of both AHS and the AMA, ZMSAs and AMA work collaboratively to ensure that there is appropriate and effective advocacy of physicians’ issues at both zonal and provincial level. In an effort to support the ZMSA activity, AMA provides support services and financial assistance in relation to activities which are of mutual benefit to the AMA and the ZMSA.
The AMA provides annual funding to each of the 5 ZMSAs, collects the ZMSA member dues from AMA members on behalf of the ZMSA in conjunction with the AMA annual dues collection process, and contracts for a fee the additional services of accounting and administrative support.
Inclusion in Governance
Council of Zonal Leaders
The primary function of CoZL is to be a venue for the AMA and ZMSAs Presidents to discuss and consider common issues and developments on a provincial and zonal basis, where zonal leaders can share issues and concerns, and from which the AMA may identify common themes the association can advance on behalf of members.
Representative Forum
The RF is the governing body of the Alberta Medical Association. This group of representatives is responsible for the overall policy direction of the organization to meet the best interests of members. The RF - consisting of delegates from every specialty, geographic area, medical residents, medical students, the College of Physicians & Surgeons and deans of the medical schools - meets at least twice a year (Fall and Spring).
Each ZMSA President attends RF as per the requirements of their role; alternates can attend in place of the President if needed.
Zonal Advisory Forums (ZAF)
ZAFs are designed to provide the ZMSA, the AMA and AHS with a collective perspective from practising physicians about local and provincial issues. Each ZMSA is responsible for hosting two ZAFs per year (face-to-face or by electronic means) as per the Memorandum of Understanding between ZMSAs and AMA.
The ZAF is a space where ZMSA Executive and members, AHS and AMA representatives, and any other Zone representatives as necessary to create a diverse membership, meet to discuss strategic direction, policy, and emerging issues from zone level.
ZAFs are an opportunity to connect with colleagues and get informed about timely topics that are of interest to physicians. ZAFs also create the occasion for Zone physicians to connect directly with leadership at AMA and AHS and allows AHS and AMA to gain feedback and perspective from physicians in the community.
NZMSA Administration Office:
Mailing address: 12230 106 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 3Z1
Coordinator: Adrienne Wanhill
Administrators: Nicole Davidson Ruddy & Paige Mavon