Scroll down to view a collection of updates, news and upcoming events relevant to physicians across Alberta.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Wellness
For more, follow on X (formerly Twitter):
Online events, webinars, courses and conferences:
Apr. 1, 11:00am – 12:00pm MT: The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion presents a virtual webinar, A Path Forward: Anti-racism in Action, From Individuals to Organizations. Participants will learn concrete strategies to foster inclusion and bring about meaningful change in their communities and workplaces. AHS is a partner with CCDI and those registering with an AHS email can attend at no cost by selecting ‘employer partner’.
May 9 & 10, 2025: Making Evidence Matter for Everyone (MEME) Conference Vancouver & Online. Early bird rates ending! Learn fact from fiction from our highly entertaining presenters with short snappers on Things to Not Bother With in Diabetes Management; Polypharmacy and Long-term care; Treating Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long COVID When Evidence Is Minimal; Simplifying Complicated Heart Failure; New Primary Care Evidence You Can Use on Monday; Dermatology Potpourri; Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening; Primary Care’s Most Asked Questions Answered; Sensible Lab Testing for the Sensible Clinician; and much more! Our presentations are evidence-based with no sponsorship, and our rates have not increased in the last 4 years.
May 30 – June 1: The Canadian Women in Medicine Conference takes place at the Calgary TELUS Convention centre, with a virtual option to attend. The conference is the largest gathering of women physicians in North America, and includes inspiring keynote addresses and workshops, social gatherings, and networking opportunities.
Articles and resources:
Rainbow Health Ontario has a website that provides guidance for caring for trans and gender-diverse patients in primary care, including hormone therapy and additional resources.
A recent article on the Canadian Paediatric Society website highlighted the Disproportionate Impact of Health Misinformation on BIPOC communities: A call for paediatricians to act.
Statistics Canada’s latest Health of Canadians Report brings together important health data, both for the population overall and for specific groups, to paint a comprehensive portrait of population health and to shed light on health disparities. Explore key trends, regional differences and health inequalities across age, sex, income, and more.
“We Need a Seismic Shift”: Disabled Student Perspectives on Disability Inclusion in U.S. Medical Education was recently published in the AAMC Academic Medicine Journal, with lessons that can be learned for the Canadian medical education system as well.
Recordings of recent webinars, podcasts and presentations:
UAlberta’s John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre recently presented a webinar on Freedom of Expression and Regulatory Reach in Health Care. Dr. Eric Wasylenko discusses the balancing of freedom of expression and professional regulation in health disciplines, using the lens of ethics and proposes a framework for managing potentially competing imperatives.
The latest edition of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) Leaders Talks podcast discusses The Rise of Anti-DEI Rhetoric – Canadian Perspectives. The podcast explores what DEIA truly is and isn't, addresses common misconceptions, and discusses the profound impact DEIA has had and continues to have on Canadian workplaces.
The Docs With Disabilities Initiative has made available a recorded webinar on Core Competencies for Students Entering Medical School: A Pan-Canadian Approach to Re-envisioning Technical Standards and Addressing Ableism in Undergraduate Medical Education. Check out all their Research Rounds recordings on their YouTube channel
The latest edition of a podcast series created by the Federation of Medical Women of Canada - Ottawa branch discusses Gender-Based Violence, Healthcare, and Leadership. This episode discusses actionable steps healthcare providers can take to mitigate violence in practice, targeting it as a determinant of physical, psychological, reproductive, and social health.
Physician Wellness
Resources available to support you in your wellness:
Well Doc Alberta
Well Doc Alberta is an initiative aimed at advancing a collaborative, co-operative, pan-provincial approach to physician wellness. Their work, focused on education and prevention, is supported by the science of physician wellness and driven by need. Well Doc works with physicians at the grassroots level and with leadership to grow capacity, empower change, shift culture, and achieve their vision of “Shaping the future of physician wellness, together.”
Alberta Medical Association Physician & Family Support Program
The AMA's Physician and Family Support Program provides confidential support and help with personal health issues and enhances the quality of patient care and public safety by promoting health and well-being for the medical profession that cares for all Albertans. More resources are posted on the AMA website link above.
Their phone line is available for you at any time:
1.877.SOS.4MDS (767.4637)
International: 403.930.0529 (you may call collect)
CONFIDENTIAL 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year
Canadian Medical Association Physician Wellness Hub
This Hub provides reliable wellness tools and resources to empower physicians, medical learners and leaders to create change in the culture of medicine.
Community Collect YYC
Community Connect YYC is a collaborative of Calgary-based agencies committed to helping community members quickly and easily access mental health and other social support services.
Vital Signs
Vital Signs began in 1996 as a black-and-white stapled newsletter. It evolved over the years, eventually becoming a sleek and modern digital magazine until it was discontinued in 2020. To learn more about the history of Vital Signs and those who helped create it over the years, take a look at the final issue.
Click on links below to view each year's issues in pdf format.