Widening membership drive through active engagement, proactive advocacy and unwavering representation of members.
To ensure that interests of fellow physicians in the Central Zone are actively protected at all levels including, but not limited to, interaction with the AHS, AH, AMA, legislators, CPSA, CMPA, etc., and within the purview of the mandates of the ZMSA.
To promote conducive and healthy working environments for fellow physicians that are devoid of discrimination, racism and or harassment.
To ensure equity and fairness in application of laws, Bylaws and Rules to fellow physicians whether affiliated with the AHS or not, especially in the aspects of job related complaints.
To support fellow physicians in aspects that may enhance professional performances and quality of care.
Thank you to everyone who attended the virtual CZMSA Zone Advisory Forum & Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, June 11.
Patient Centered, Provider Enabled
Administration Office: Central Zone Medical Staff Association
310, 611 Meredith Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 2W5
Mailing address: 12230 106 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 3Z1
President: Dr. Omoniyi Adebisi, oya@adukemeta.com
Coordinator: Adrienne Wanhill
Administrators: Nicole Davidson Ruddy & Paige Mavon