CZMSA invites expressions of interest (EOI) for the following Executive positions:

  • Vice- President. This two (2) year term begins October 1, 2024, and ends September 30, 2026, with planned succession to the role of President on October 1, 2026, upon expiration of the current President’s term, for an additional (2) two years as President ending September 30, 2028, and two (2) years as Past President ending September 30, 2030.

  • Secretary-Treasurer. This two (2) year term begins October 1, 2024 and ends September 30, 2026.

View all Executive Role Descriptions

Potential candidates should send their curriculum vitae and a letter of interest (no more than one page) to the CZMSA administration office at zmsaadmin@albertadoctors.org by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

Nominations are subject to current executive approval and may be excluded due to perceived conflicts of interest by virtue of other roles/positions that the candidate holds with the health care system.

An election, if required, will take place by secure confidential e-mail ballot between July 17 - 30. The successful candidate will be announced by no later than August 13.

Remuneration and administrative support are provided.

ZMSAs are the local voice for 4600 physicians in the North, Edmonton, Central, Calgary and South zones. For more information on CZMSA and the role of ZMSA in the Central Zone visit About Us.

Current Executive:
Dr. Kirsten Westberg, President
Dr. Omoniyi Adebisi, Vice-President
Dr. Luc Benoit, Past-President
Dr. Edmund Barker, Secretary-Treasurer

Further information is available from Adrienne Wanhill, Team Lead at zmsaadmin@albertadoctors.org  or 403-205-2093.