Dr. Michael Bildersheim, Dr. John Walsh and Dr. Rajrishi Sharma (not pictured: Dr. John Heine)
The 2023 awards were presented at the PLC Medical Staff Celebration of Excellence on May 24, 2024, at Hotel Arts. Congratulations to the recipients! More photos from the event are in the Photo Gallery.
Physician of Merit Awards
John Heine
John Walsh
Clinical Teaching Award
Rajrishi Sharma
Resident of Merit Award
Michael Bildersheim
The 2022 awards were presented at the PLC Medical Staff Celebration of Excellence on March 2, 2023 at Heritage Park. Congratulations to the recipients! More photos from the event are in the Photo Gallery.
Physician of Merit Awards
Doug Bosch
Rajrishi Sharma
Clinical Teaching Awards
Sonia Cerquozzi
Doug Johnson
Resident of Merit Award
Melissa Jones
Dr. Afra Moazeni, PLC MSA Co-President, Dr. Rajrishi Sharma, Dr. Sonia Cerquozzi, Dr. Melissa Jones, Dr. Doug Johnson, Dr. Manrit Kaur Takhar, PLC MSA Co-President (not pictured: Dr. Doug Bosch).
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the 2020 award event was postponed and the nominations process was put on hold until 2022.
The 2018 awards were presented at the PLC Medical Staff Celebration of Excellence on May 23, 2019 at The Big Rock Grill. Congratulations to the winners! Photos from the event can be found in the Photo Gallery.
Physician of Merit Awards
Greg Samis
Elisabeth Wagner
Clinical Teaching Award
Julie Jarand
Resident of Merit Awards
Angela Deane
Rachel Lim
The 2017 awards were presented at the PLC Medical Staff Celebration of Excellence on April 19, 2018 at The Big Rock Grill. Congratulations to the winners! Photos from the event can be found Photo Gallery.
Physician of Merit Award
Nanette Alvarez
Karen Rimmer
Clinical Teaching Award
Rhea Varughese