
Co-President: Dr. Afra Moazeni Rizi, amoazeni@plcgas.net
Co-President: Dr. Caleb Zavitz caleb.zavitz@albertahealthservices.ca
Past-President: Dr. Manrit Kaur Takhar, manrit.takhar@ahs.ca


  • Thank you to everyone who attended the PLC Medical Staff Celebration of Excellence on Friday, May 24 at Hotel Arts. The PLC MSA Awards were presented. Visit the awards page to see who the recipients are. Photos from the event are in the photo gallery.

  • We are always looking for your feedback! If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns please feel free to chat with us in the hallways or reach out to us by email.

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Administration Office: Peter Lougheed Centre Medical Staff Association
310, 611 Meredith Road NE Calgary, AB  T2E 2W5
Mailing address: 350 - 611 Meredith Road NE Calgary, AB  T2E 2W5