
Co-Chair: Dr. Olga Tourin, otourin@gmail.com
Co-Chair: Dr. Frances Vettergreen, vettergreenfm@gmail.com
Member at Large: Dr. Yasmin Majeed, yas08maj@gmail.com


  • Connect Care: Resources for community providers Click here to view resources you need as a community provider to stay connected and informed about Connect Care, including a comprehensive FAQ document eDelivery (Results Routing)

  • Interested in advocacy for community medicine in the Calgary Zone?  The Community Medical Staff Association (CMSA) wants you! 

    The Calgary and Area Medical Staff Society has an important role in representing and advocating for the needs of physicians.  Medical staff associations exist for each hospital and for Alberta Public Labs, but the Community MSA is the voice for physicians in community-based practice.  CMSA is your advocate for matters related to medical leadership structure, medical staff appointments and privileges, as well as issues that are unique to community-based physicians.  Representatives from AHS and AMA look to us to speak for the needs of community physicians and give our perspective on local and provincial issues.

    Joining the Community MSA brings other benefits.  You gain access to educational and leadership workshops, and get an opportunity to meet your specialist colleagues, RF representatives and AHS leadership.  CMSA is the place to hear about and advocate for community physicians on issues that affect you and your colleagues. 

    As a relatively new MSA, we are looking to expand our membership, and in particular would like to welcome some younger colleagues who are interested in an introduction to advocacy work and who bring to us the perspective of someone new in practice.  Commitments are flexible and remuneration is available.  If you would like more information, please contact Dr. Olga Tourin or Dr. Frances Vettergreen (Co-Chairs).  To join the CMSA, you may email zmsaadmin@albertadoctors.org.  

Administration Office: Community Medical Staff Association (CMSA)
310, 611 Meredith Road NE Calgary, AB  T2E 2W5
Mailing address: 350 - 611 Meredith Road NE Calgary, AB  T2E 2W5