of the Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association, Calgary and Area Medical Staff Society, North Zone Medical Staff Association, Central Zone Medical Staff Association and South Zone Medical Staff Association

Updated March 25, 2024

The Women’s Health Committee (Committee) consists of 12 physician members and advocates for women’s health in Alberta, with a focus on equity and access to care.  


1)      Advocate for access to evidence-informed healthcare services for women of all ages in Alberta.
2) Recommend short- and long-term strategies to the public and government designed to increase equity, access and comprehensive services for women.
3) Be a trusted source of medical advice and expertise, accessing women’s health experts in Alberta.
4) Raise public awareness of the impact of lack of care and inequitable access for women in the Alberta health system.


media articles

March 25, 2024: Alberta must step up for women suffering in menopause

January 29, 2024: Alberta doctors call for action on women's health in new awareness campaign

January 8, 2024: Free birth control would benefit Alberta's health care, economy

Physician resources for Medical Abortions

The Committee identified issues with patient access to medical abortions. Frequently, they have anecdotal cases of patients struggling to find a provider for this health service and difficulty accessing the medication. Below are resources for physicians to provide services and/or information for patients.

Physicians May Dispense Mifegymiso
Mifegymiso is a schedule 1 drug. A regulated member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) may charge a fee and dispense this drug. The full information for this standard of practice is here. With this standard of practice, you are able to provide this medication for your patients.

Clinics Providing Services
There are four community clinics in Alberta providing confidential medical abortion services. They have a variety of resources, information and services for your patients. Both have licensed physicians and healthcare professionals. They prioritize privacy and confidentiality.

Alberta Medical Abortion Clinic provides virtual and in-person appointments in Calgary for the province.
Clinic 38 provides virtual appointments in central Alberta for the province.
Women’s Health Options in Edmonton.
Synergy Women’s Wellness Centre in Sherwood Park.

Action Canada
Action Canada is a pro-choice charitable organization. They have a variety of resources and an access phone line for your patients on sexual health, pregnancy options, abortion and safer sex.  

Conscientious Objection
The CPSA has a standard of practice for conscientious objection here. This standard outlines how to communicate, provide information, interact and provide access for patients. Please note that “when a Charter freedom of conscience and religion prevent a regulated member from providing or offering access to information about a legally available medical or surgical treatment or service, the regulated member must ensure that the patient who seeks such advice or medical care is offered timely access to:

  • a regulated member who is willing to provide the medical treatment, service or information; or

  • a resource that will provide accurate information about all available medical options.”

advocacy with the University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine and dentistry

Our Committee met with the faculty to discuss women’s health training in medical school. The Committee completed a jurisdictional scan of medical schools and provided the UofA with recommendations. We thank the UofA for their openness to input. They agreed to the following action items: 

  • Reviewing objectives and academic half day topics in the obstetrics/gynaecology clerkship.

  • Reviewing the other blocks to identify opportunities to promote women’s health throughout the curriculum.

  • Sending a statement on the importance of women’s health and the initiatives of the UofA. 

View our jurisdictional scan and recommendations briefing note here.

They provided the following statement:

“The University of Alberta MD Program recognizes the importance of women’s health as aligning with our program values of health equity and inclusion of diverse perspectives to develop physicians able to competently and compassionately serve the health needs of all Albertans. Sex and gender is a theme that is woven longitudinally through the curriculum.  As an example, it is not just the primary focus of a dedicated preclerkship and clerkship course, but also discussed in other courses such as cardiology with the recognition of diverse risk factors and presentations of cardiovascular disease. We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with the EZMSA as part of our process of continuous curriculum renewal.”

advocacy with the Alberta government

The Committee met with the Government of Alberta to present the topics below. This was followed with a campaign for the public to write to their Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) in support.

  • 1234 individuals wrote letters to their MLA.

View the briefing notes for these topics here.

  • Menopause

  • Period Poverty

  • South Zone Access to Obstetricians/Gynaecologists

  • Women’s Health Recognition, Accountability and Comprehensive Strategy

  • STIs Testing, Pregnancy Screening and an Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan number for Incarcerated Women

  • Confidential Medical Management of Miscarriage and Abortion

  • Free Hormonal Therapy and IUDs

advocacy with the federal government

The Committee met with the Government of Canada to present the topics below. This was followed with a campaign for the public to write to their Member of Parliament (MP) in support.

  • 797 individuals wrote letters to their MP.

View the briefing notes for these topics here.

  • Women’s Health Workforce

  • Emergency Contraception Drug Information

  • STIs Testing and Pregnancy Screening for Incarcerated Women

  • Abortion Access and Confidentiality in Alberta

  • Free Contraception

menopause society certified practitioner (MSCP) Sponsorship

We are pleased to offer sponsorship for members to receive their certification from the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). Our Women’s Health Committee quickly identified a gap in menopause patient care. Women lack access to healthcare, education and support for perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause in Alberta. “Surveying the Silence” by The Alberta Women’s Health Foundation reported:

  • only 66% of Albertan women seek perimenopause medical care.

  • 53% of them report treatment delay.

  • 16% of them report effective treatment.

Each sponsorship is for up to $1300 CA. Eligible expenses for this funding include the textbook, exam fees and NAMS membership for the first year.

About the MSCP
MSCP is a competency examination from the North American Menopause Society setting essential standards for health providers to deliver high-quality care for women at menopause and beyond. The credential is valid for three years and can be maintained by passing a new examination or completing continuing medical education credits. Details are here.


  • Applicants must submit your resume and a letter of interest with a maximum of 300 words to outline why you would benefit from this sponsorship.

  • Applications are due by April 8 at midnight and must be submitted to zmsaadmin@albertadoctors.org.


  • Applicants must be a member of the NZMSA, EZMSA, CZMSA or CAMSS. The number of sponsorships are as follows:

    • NZMSA- one member

    • EZMSA- four members

    • CZMSA- one member

    • CAMSS- two members

  • Applicants must be seeking a new certification and not renewing.

  • Applicants must complete and pass exams to receive the MSCP credential in 2024 for costs to be reimbursed. There are two examination options of June or October in 2024 to complete the exam.

  • Applicants must submit documents to be reimbursed for costs up to a maximum of $1300 CA by November 30, 2024. The documents to submit are:

    • receipts including the textbook, exam fees and NAMS membership for the first year.

    • the certificate of completion.

    • feedback of 100-300 words on the value of the course and how the physician will use it in their practice.


  • March 22-Open call for applications

  • April 8-Applications are due

  • April 9-14-Committee reviews the applications

  • April 15-Announce the four recipients

  • May 1 or August 31-Application and exam payment deadlines

  • June 1-30 or October 1-30-Examination dates

  • November 30-Deadline to submit receipts and certification for reimbursement