SPEAKER: Diagnostic Imaging from Africa: 17 Years as a Consultant Radiologist for Mercy Ships International.

Date: September 5, 2024
Time: 5:30 pm–7:00 pm
Location: Zoom
View the recording here.

1) Introductions by EZMSA Executive
2) Presentation by Dr. Gregory Raymond (45 minutes)
3) Questions (45 minutes)

In this presentation, Dr. Raymond reviews his experience over the past 17 years serving in this capacity and share a number of fascinating cases including clinical, imaging, and pathology findings. He will also describe how this volunteer service has had a profoundly positive impact on teaching, education, and morale/wellbeing for those involved.

Speaker Biography:
Dr. Greg Raymond is a Clinical Professor in the department of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta, and a partner with Medical Imaging Consultants (MIC). He attended medical school and completed a residency in diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine at Dalhousie University, in addition to further training at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington DC, and a fellowship in cardiothoracic radiology at the University of Alberta. 

 Dr. Raymond also served as a Medical Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces for 20 years, initially as a General Duty Medical Officer and Base Surgeon, and later as a Radiologist and Chief of Radiology. He received additional training in aviation medicine and became a qualified flight surgeon, plus postgraduate training in diving and bariatric medicine at the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Toronto. 

During his time in the Armed Forces, he was deployed to the Middle East with a United Nations Unit in the Golan Heights and served as a search and rescue physician for two years while based at CFB Comox, British Columbia. While chief of radiology, Dr. Raymond oversaw conversion of DND diagnostic imaging from analogue to digital technology and was responsible for outfitting the military hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan with imaging equipment including a deployable CT scanner and teleradiology capability.

 In 2007, Dr. Raymond volunteered as a radiology consultant for Mercy Ships, which at the time had one large hospital ship deployed in West Africa. In 2014 his colleagues at MIC voted unanimously to provide comprehensive teleradiology support and interpretation services for Mercy Ships with the ships x-rays, ultrasounds and CT downloaded into the MIC radiology information system and PACS, and this continues to the present day. At present, there are two hospital ships in Africa, the Global Mercy in Sierra Leone and the Africa Mercy in Madagascar.

This event is available to members of the Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association, Calgary and Area Medical Staff Society, Central Zone Medical Staff Association, North Zone Medical Staff Association, South Zone Medical Staff Association, and staff of Alberta Medical Association.