About the Committee

Committee Members

The Committee members are all physician members of the Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association.

Dr. James Talbot was the former Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Government of Alberta from 2012 to 2015.
Dr. Noel Gibney is a highly respected intensive care physician and Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta.

Members are all physician representatives from public health, intensive care, emergency medicine, family medicine, laboratory medicine, infectious diseases, general internal medicine, psychiatry, geriatrics, and pediatrics.


The Committee will fulfil the following responsibilities for a COVID-19 response on behalf of the Edmonton zone medical community:
1) Monitor public health, the health system, and the government response in Alberta.
2) Research and recommend medical guidance.
3) Provide public information and medical advice to Albertans.

The purpose of the Committee is to consider all factors and evidence in providing Albertans with medical advice, which is impartial, objective and not influenced by partisan politics or personal conflicts. The Committee will consider all medical evidence, the determinants of health, and societal implications related to the pandemic, not only the direct effects of COVID-19, for their recommendations.

Updated: November 27, 2020